Student Support Staff
- Strategies
- Resource Teachers
- School Psychologist
- Occupational Therapy
- Speech
- School Social Worker
- Interventionists/Coaches/Reading Recovery
- Title 1
- English Learner
- Gifted and Talented Youth
- ACP School-Based Therapist
- Clerks
- Custodial
- Paraprofessionals
Inclusive learning environment
The strategies classrooms in our inclusive learning community, foster high levels of learning in order to support our work of helping students in reaching their full potential. We build communication, functional, social, emotional, and behavioral skills in addition to the core academics, differentiated for individual students.
Resource Teachers
Resource educators teach students who have been identified through the child study process and meet state criteria for one or more of the following categories:
- Specific Learning Disability (SLD);
- Other Health Disorder (OHD);
- Autism Spectrum (ASD);
- Developmental Cognitive Disability (DCD), or
- Emotional Behavioral Disability (EBD).
The Resource teachers are also consultants to both classroom teachers and parents. They are members of the Child Study team working with the District 196 staff evaluation team on initial evaluations. They work with students in small groups or in the general education classroom through a co-teaching model to provided systematic, direct instruction of academic or social thinking skills.
School Psychologist
School psychologists work with a team of people to help students succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. School psychologists are trained in both education and mental health to know how to identify and lower barriers to learning.
For more information about school psychology, visit the National Association of School Psychologists website.
Resources for families are also available through the National Association of School Psychologists.
Occupational Therapy
Speech teachers provide services to students who have significant needs in the area of communication. Communication disorders encompass:
- Articulation Disorders: difficulty producing speech sounds
- Language Disorders: difficulty with understanding and expressing thoughts and ideas.
- Voice Disorders: having an inappropriate pitch/quality of voice
- Fluency Disorders or Stuttering: Inappropriate repetitions of sounds, words or phrases
Kelly Golas
School Social Worker
School social workers
The goal of the social work program is to partner directly with families, educators, students, and our communities to address and overcome barriers to academic achievement at the elementary level. Ultimately this partnership provides the necessary support and guidance that are essential to academic success and sound life decisions.
School social workers are licensed mental health professionals trained to provide support and interventions to children and families proactively and in times of emotional/mental health crisis.
They do this by providing individual, small group and family support. Sessions focus on:
- Improving social, emotional and academic functioning
- Positive reinforcement
- Behavior modification
- Specific skill development
- Building trusting connections with each student and their family
- Direct consultation and linkage to appropriate community resources for families
- Help children and their families meet basic needs and overcome barriers to education
Please note that social work settings are created around the ever-changing and unique needs of each school and may vary throughout the year and at each site. Please contact your child’s school social worker for more information.
Interventionists/Coaches/Reading Recovery
Interventionist Teachers/Coaches work in collaboration with classroom teachers to support students' academic needs.
Reading Recovery is a program for first graders who are in need of extra help in learning to read and write. Selected students have 30 minutes of individual instruction each day. Reading Recovery teachers have received special training to help children who are beginning readers and writers. The components of the Reading Recovery program are: fluent reading and writing, letter and word recognition, hearing sounds in words, and reading and writing strategies. Parent involvement with the program is critical. Parents must help their children with homework each night.
Title 1
The School Wide Title l program is a federally funded program whose purpose is to improve achievement in the basic skills of reading and math, and help students succeed in the regular classroom. All Westview Title I teachers are certified teachers. Students in kindergarten through grade five are eligible for these programs. Student selection is based on reading, writing and math assessments, and teacher recommendations.
Students who qualify for these services receive additional instruction in reading or math. Some may receive help in both subjects. This service is either provided to a small group outside the classroom or to an individual student/small group in the regular classroom. Students do not miss special classes such as music, physical education, library, technology, or art. Students are re-evaluated throughout the year and may exit this service.
Families are an important part of the Title I program and their involvement with their child's education can be a key to their success.
Read our Westview Family Engagement Policy here.
Read the Title 1 Compact between families and Westview here
English Learner
Gifted and Talented Youth
Gifted and Talented children are those students with outstanding abilities and capable of higher performance when compared to others of similar age, experience and environment. They have significantly different educational needs from their peers and require educational differentiation as a regular part of their school day to ensure they reach their full potential. These services are available at all elementary and middle schools.
District 196 uses multiple criteria to help identify gifted and talented children.
For more information, see policy 610 under Board Policy.
For more information, checkout the District 196 GT webpage and our Westview Gifted and Talented Teacher, Mrs. Andersen's GT webpage
MN Institute for Talented Youth Enrichment Opportunities QR Codes