Guys Read
Who: Interested 4th and 5th grade boys
What: A book club that focuses on stories specifically chosen to interest young, male readers.
When: Monthly meetings, please see the WV calendar for dates.
Each month the boys read an assigned book prior to coming to the meeting. The books selected are high-interest, appealing stories for boys. Boys can get required books either by buying them, or by checking them out from the school or public libraries. Some audio versions of the books are available on iPads.
During Guys Read meetings, the boys and teachers have a discussion about what they read and then share a snack that has to do with the book. There is a suggested donation of $6 per trimester that covers these snacks.
The only requirement is that the book must be read prior to coming to the meeting so the boys can engage in the conversations. The book can be read independently or together as a family. There is no writing or homework required. Guys Read is meant to be a fun, laid back time that fosters an appreciation of reading and builds friendships.
Click here for more info and meeting dates!
Molly andersen
Phone: 952-431-8380
Voicemail: 84362